Kashrut is a matter of vital importance to the Jewish community and it is my pleasure and honour to support Rabbi Meir G. Rabi's initiatives in this and related fields.

In particular I am excited by the tremendous benefit for our community and fully endorse his revitalising Ben PeKuAh which will provide Kosher meat at fair pricing.

I wish to express my admiration and in particular note Rabbi Rabi's extraordinary research, determination and dedication to understanding and broadcasting awareness of Ben PeKuAh.

Allow me to add, having twice had the honour of meeting HaRav Shlomo Goren, one of our great גדולי הפוסקים - when he visited the Perth Jewish community as Chief Chaplain of the IDF, and again in Jerusalem as Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel - that his support for the Ben PeKuAh initiative is most significant.

It is refreshing and encouraging to note, that we have Rabbi Rabi amongst those community leaders who are determined to encourage wholesome participation and engagement in and with our treasured heritage.

I echo our Prophets in wishing him success in all his endeavours, למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר

June 8 2014

Rabbi Dr Shalom Coleman; Rabbi Emeritus Perth Hebrew Congregation; CBE AM MA PhD Hon LLD (UWA) JP; Hon. Life President - Organisation of the Rabbinate of Australasia (ORA); Patron - Combined Organisation of Rabbis and Educators of Western Australia

It's about blinking time someone with wisdom and mettle has done something courageous to shake up the Kosher landscape and reinvigorate the broader Jewish Community. 

Long live the Disruptors.

Erik Johnson
Melb Australia

I write this on behalf of myself and many friends.

We appreciate Rabbi Rabi's glorious initiative and encourage everyone - bring Kosher into your home, enrich your life and your family's life with our Traditions and see the fruit grow from your determination. 

We have a question however: in spite of very famous and internationally respected authorities supporting Ben PeKuAh, why do our community Rabbis, who must personally know hundreds, probably thousands, who would bring Kosher into their homes with their encouragement of Ben PeKuAh - why do they oppose this Ben PeKuAh initiative? 

Amanda G
A Distressed Kosher Consumer

If it isn't Yosher then it isn't Kosher

HaRav Yosef


Yoshor means 'straight', no 'monkey business'. Kosher VeYosher is an old Hebrew/Yiddish expression that indicates integrity, honesty and honour.

G-d's guidelines are Yesharim -  ישרים דרכי יהוה וצדקים ילכו בם [הושע יד:י]

Rabbi Breuer's congregation is named, KeHal Adass Yeshurun, to reflect this lofty declaration of its fealty to The Almighty, encapsulated in Rabbi Breuer's well known refrain, "More than Kosher; it needs to be Yosher."

Holy Kosher - Kosher VeYosher, honours this objective by presenting the Ben PeKuAh initiative - providing uncompromised Kashrus at fair prices.